F&I for the Age of the Customer

by Jason Barrie One in three Americans would rather go to the DMV, do their taxes or sit in the middle airplane seat than go through the process of buying a car. Less than 1%…

Learn how Accelerated Title can help your dealership close more deals.

Titles and the Need for Speed

Customers are continuing to spend less time at a dealership from beginning to end. According to the 2018 Cox Automotive Car Buyer Journey Study, car buyers spend 60 percent of their time online. They…

Drive to Success: Dealership Sales Strategy

The way consumers buy vehicles is changing. And, dealerships are finding new ways to adjust to their customers’ shifting preferences. Through an increased focus on digital sales, social media, and community involvement, dealerships are…

Why Using an Efficient DMS is so Important

In a world of modern metrics, efficiency is everything. Finding advantages where they were previously lacking and implementing those advantages before they become the norm is standard in pro sports, business, and most definitely…

The Time for eContracting is Now

CBA Live: The Time for eContracting is Now

Andy Mayers, Dealertrack Lender Solutions strategist, recently participated in a panel discussion at retail banking industry event CBA Live. The conversation focused on dealer motivations, eContracting, operational efficiencies and internal dealer issues. From the…

Drive to Success: Making a Technology Switch

Becoming a more efficient dealership may mean implementing better technology. Modern technology can improve dealership functions dramatically. However, preparation and training can make the technology switch flow smoother.   1- Help Your Dealership Prepare…

Drive to Success: Efficient Technology

Technology can be extremely helpful in guiding your dealership to success. However, you should make sure the technology you implement at your dealership aligns with your dealership strategy. Technology will make your dealership more…