Drive to Success: Women and the Dealership

Women influence over 80% of all car purchases. Such a strong demographic should inspire your dealership to strategize for selling to women specifically. Hiring women onto your dealership staff should be a priority for your dealership if you want to increase your sales with women buyers.

2018 Readiness: Now is the Time to Modernize Your Dealership Technology.

2018 Readiness – Now is the Time to Modernize

The New Year is the perfect time to implement updated technology at your dealership. Just as you were finally getting around to last year’s good intentions, it’s time to resolve to bring your business into the modern age in 2018, if for no other reason than it can improve your bottom line.

Drive to Success: Service Lane

The dealership service lane is a place for profit-boosting opportunities. Every dealership customer should be made aware of the service department and all it has to offer. Stay updated on efficient service trends like providing real-time customer repair updates and offering auto tools and accessories after each service visit to increase your dealership’s revenue. 

Drive to Success: Keeping Customers Satisfied

Customer satisfaction is more than a new year trend. Focusing on your customers’ expectations will help your dealership gain loyal shoppers, attract the new generation of car buyers, and stay up-to-date with trends that can increase your sales. In the end, keeping your customers satisfied means bigger profits for your dealership.

Why Dealers Fear Changing DMS Providers

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. You start doing something one way and before you know it you’re set in your ways and there’s no turning back. It’s a predictable pattern, and one that has more to do with a fear of change than anything else. Sure, it’s easy to shrug off this type of stubborn behavior in opinions and politics, but when it comes to your business, fear of change can have disastrous consequences.

Drive to Success: KPIs

Dealerships that analyze their metrics and key performance indicators increase their sales and productivity. Key performance indicators and metrics can help your dealership understand which department areas need improvement and which are performing well. Tracking and measuring metrics will make your dealership more efficient and boost profits.

How Each Employee Can Help Fight Margin Compression

Margin compression is on every car dealer’s mind. And, even though its causes can be difficult to pinpoint, one thing is certain: today’s car-buying customers have changed, and their behavior is directly impacting your profit margins. So, what can be done? How can your dealership adapt to this new type of consumer? One solution might be closer than you think.

Drive to Success: A Fresh Start in 2018

The new year is just around the corner and your dealership can start taking the right steps towards a fresh start today. Create New Year’s resolutions for your dealership’s departments. Learn about some of the predicted 2018 dealership trends and tips on how your dealership can get a step ahead of the competition this new year.

3 Ways Technology Helps with the Holiday Sales Rush

‘Tis the season of end-of-year car sales, and with all the hustle and bustle of clearing out inventory, it’s important to take advantage of technology to get you through this rewarding, yet stressful time of year. Here are 3 ways technology can help with the holiday sales rush.